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I want to find events in a specific place.

Navigate to the Events grid page and use the filter at the top of the page. You can type in a specific location, change the date and choose whether you want to see current or upcoming events. You can also head to 'Search' in the website header or look for the magnifying glass icon on mobile and start typing. 

You can also click on the 'Art Map' from the home page or events page, and view all nearby events. From there, you can use the filter at the top of the page to type in a specific location. To find events near your current location, use the 'locate me' icon above the plus and minus buttons. 

When you are viewing a specific event, be sure to scroll to the 'Nearby events' section for further discovery. You can also view nearby events on our map by choosing 'View on Map'. This will mark the event you are viewing with a green pin, and nearby events will be shown in blue pins. 

If an event is in an isolated location or a location that is new to ArtRabbit, no nearby events may be shown on the event page or the map. If it is a location you are familiar with and know of a contemporary art event that should be on ArtRabbit, be sure to add it to the site.

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